NEWS file for DOSEMU

This file contains a list of user visible changes in DOSEMU. For the
raw developer changelog please refer to ChangeLog.

Version 1.3.5 (2007-04-27)
* A new sound system is available, written by Stas Sergeev. It is for now
  an optional run-time option, $_sound=(2).
* Lredir can now automatically find a new drive (Ryan Underwood, Stuart Axon).
* CPUEMU fixes (many by Michael Karcher). This also means that DOSEMU now runs
  more stable on x86-64.
* Other fixes, affecting printer handling, MMX/SSE FPU state preservation,
  DPMI, Linux console graphics PCI handling on x86-64, the position of . and
  .. in "dir", UTF-8 multibyte input in terminals, SDL key handling, a double
  mouse cursor in Arachne in X, and "make install".

List of SourceForge tracker numbers with bugs that were closed:
#1245033 --version flag for dosemu.bin is not described
#1436788 DOSEMU 1.3.3 Problem with floating point
#1602643 Regression in DosEmu 1.3.4
#1638135 int 21h, ax=6300 not translated currently
#1644784 SR: Proposed Change to INSTALL file here
#1678581 cpuemu JIT fails certain kinds of self-modifying code
#1679675 P: cpuemu jit cpatch for stosw destroys EAX on 32 bit dosemu
#1682575 P: cpuemu bug: sbb r16,rm16 acts on wrong register
#1682620 P: cpuemu bug: single stepping push pushes wrong register
#1683073 P: handle 16bit address overflow in string instructions.
#1683190 P: Fix flags on rep cmps/scas with ECX=0
#1687296 P: Shift/rotate instructions in simulator wrong
#1687298 P: Fix spurious crashes with "linker: node busy"
#1691712 P: make lredir able to automatically choose next free drive II
#1692149 P: Describe --version in man page (fix for 1245033)
#1692299 P: Update howto

Version 1.3.4 (2006-11-18)
* For a first time boot with FreeDOS, DOSEMU now boots without any user
  interaction, and presents a welcome screen. Drive Z: is now a read-only
  drive with all the DOSEMU and FreeDOS support files.
* Clarified the copyrights and replaced some code with unclear origins.
  The disclaimer acceptance has been weakened.
* Added native 64-bit support for x86-64, which, similarly to the 32-bit
  version, uses CPU emulation for V86 mode, and runs DPMI code natively.
  Most of the code is now 64-bit clean but a few cases may not work yet.
* The CPUEMU simulator is now a runtime option, activated via
  $_cpuemu="vm86sim", or $_cpuemu="fullsim". Improved correctness of
* Added a $_cdrom option for runtime configuration of the CD-ROM device.
* Added an internal *CDEX style CD-ROM driver, activated using LREDIR, for
  use with CD-ROMs that are mounted in Linux. The default autoexec.bat
  uses this to set drive E: to a CD-ROM.
* Implemented support for Unicode fonts for $_X_font, so you can for
  instance use the univga font or
* Use $_lpt1, $_lpt2, and $_lpt3 for printer configuration.
* The SDL plugin now supports text copy and paste, and X fonts.
* It is now possible to point $_vbootfloppy, $_floppy_a etc. to directories
  and boot from them.
* Improved real time clock support with a periodic IRQ generator.
* Improved PCI emulation on the console, with $_pci=(auto).
* Improved the internal XMS driver.
* Various DPMI and VGAEMU fixes.
* The dosemu script is compatible with the minimal shell dash.
* You can now directly see and manipulate DOS file attributes on Lredir'ed
  Linux-mounted (V)FAT partitions, when using recent 2.6 kernels.
* DOSEMU's stack is no longer marked executable which may improve security.

List of SourceForge tracker numbers with bugs that were closed:
#915452  FR: Windows support
#993179  FR: Whole disk access
#1124658 Problems with TIM
#1153944 improve mouse documentation
#1244513 color correction while converting 555,565 to 888 color.
#1245910 Documentation for timemode
#1387967 dosemu 1.3.3: keyboard is "sticky" on some apps
#1394114 weird cd problem with dosemu-1.3.3
#1394280 X video problems with Cubic and Fast Tracker
#1400179 SR: How to speed CD-ROM access?
#1404395 dosemu CVS crashes on x86_64 kernelcmdline noexec=off fixes
#1405681 patch fixing x86_64 compilation
#1405682 vgaemu problem with win98dos
#1406001 Quake cannot change gfx resolution in X
#1406011 FR: RTC timer emulation
#1406522 xdosemu: cursor in text mode causes slight pollution
#1407567 vgaemu problem with stdemo
#1415332 Problem with Dosemu's EMS.SYS
#1415598 build deps for commands are missing
#1417852 FR: DPMI memory handling
#1418023 duke3d and cursor at wrong location
#1418856 vgaemu/vgabios crashes
#1420769 dosemu c:\games\keen.exe doesnt work
#1422921 PIT timer emulation should be improved
#1426126 LFN problem with current DosEmu
#1430175 strange DPMI error
#1441256 keyboard issue (current cvs)
#1442375 small addition to MSDOS API translation
#1443448 Only the top of the screen displayed
#1478658 Crash on every DPMI program under Linux 2.6.16.
#1487899 Ctrl-Alt-Del restarts DosEmu without LFN
#1492201 No way to disable printer IRQ conflicting with SB
#1516259 Makefile.main syntax error (subversion)

Version 1.3.3 (2005-12-22)
* "dosemu" starts xdosemu by default in X. Use "dosemu -t" to force terminal
* Everyone, including root, needs to use "dosemu -s" to be able to use direct
  hardware access. The -s switch automatically uses direct VGA graphics and
  raw keyboard mode on the Linux console.
* Added support for x86-64, by using CPU emulation for V86 mode, running DPMI
  code natively.
* You can reboot the DOSEMU virtual machine using Ctrl-Alt-Del
* Added $_time_mode="linux" option to force the DOS clock to sync with
  the Linux time.
* Freed up 4K of UMB space.
* The utility can now execute Linux commands within DOSEMU
* Run-time plugins are used to allow binary distribution without depending
  on all libraries.
* Implemented debug breakpoints for DPMI.
* The SDL plugin (-S option) was improved so that it is almost as capable
  as the X plugin, and provides a safer way to get console graphics, using
* 16 bpp graphics programs now run in X with 24/32 bpp.
* Long File Names are enabled by default.
* Many fixes for the outstanding mouse and keyboard problems.
* Customized SVGA drivers of Windows 3.11 can now be used instead
  of the Trident drivers (refer to Section 9.2 of README.txt).
* The -dumb switch quietens DOSEMU until the command is executed if a command
  is given. So "dosemu -dumb dir" gives a directory listing and nothing else.
* The default C: drive has changed from ~/dosemu/freedos to ~/.dosemu/drive_c
  (similar to Wine).

List of SourceForge tracker numbers with bugs that were closed:
# 830601 impossible to access /dev/lp0 directly
# 920216 xdosemu mouse problem with Worms
# 937984 Supporting debug registers in DOSEMU DPMI
#1023178 (patch) Option for disabling DJGPP null checks
#1039909 pathname with a space character
#1165147 RPM doesn't own dirs in /etc 
#1206135 1.3.2: mouse does not work in non-std mode
#1206137 1.3.2: strange colors when resizing window in BC with mouse
#1206525 1.3.2: text mode cursor uses only upper half of cell @ 80x50
#1207940 DOSEMU's keyboard emulation isn't perfect
#1211627 LFN issue again
#1218406 int 66h not available with dosemu 1.3.2
#1224934 1.3.2: make install changes permissions of /tmp
#1227378 instruction decoding in msdos.c is buggy
#1230579 Another (minor) keyboard emulation bug in dosemu
#1230661 Accessing/Displaying Files under 1.2.2
#1231686 ANSI / VGA text broken last year
#1238148 VC cannot move directories (MFS) anymore
#1239421 CVS dosemu crashes when started with -H1
#1242171 small bug in dpmi
#1244195 video remap from true color 15 to true color 32
#1252147 xdosemu -S doesn't handle keypad
#1255178 X Video regression on Orbits3
#1262962 Keyboard input mangled running on a pty
#1275661 memory (?) bug
#1288107 possible bug in bios.s
#1292250 Latest CVS: FPU bug?
#1292257 DOSEMU will not build with gcc 4.0.2
#1308052 make, make install bug
#1310344 Ctrl-Alt-Del vs $_emusys
#1315913 video conflicts with printer in text console
#1329881 Still keyboard trouble with latest CVS
#1345102 unix command in the DOS-shell
#1347960 MFS: FIFO pipes broken 
#1358562 dosemu crashes on 2.6.14
#1360156 keyboard in
#1377671 Pause button doesn't work
#1379806 gw stopped to work under X
#1379838 Ctrl-Alt-Del from graphics mode

Version 1.3.2 (2005-05-20)
* Windows 3.1 now works natively, without any need for WINOS2 patches.
* Many other improvements to make Windows 3 in DOSEMU more stable and usable.
* Fixed IF flag virtualization for DPMI. This causes many DPMI applications
  to work reliably without random crashes (such as Transport Tycoon, Screamer,
* Implemented LDT virtualization / direct LDT access for DPMI clients.
* Many DPMI and PM API translator fixes to support all commercial
  Borland tools and other protected-mode programs. You may need Linux
  kernel 2.6.12-rc3 or more recent versions however to get truely
  reliable DPMI support.
* Most of the DPMI 1.0 API and functionality were added.
* The redirected drive filesystem code is much faster than before.
* Fixed new errors and warnings with GCC 4.0.
* It is now possible to use an external XMS driver, such as himem.sys.
* Added the "INT 15h" PS/2 mouse interface.
* I/O ports are "fast" by default.
* Added some support for sound recording.
* The floppy is much faster with 2.6 kernels.
* Added support for 2.88M floppies
* The printer code now uses line buffering so that you do not have to
  wait $_printer_timeout seconds before printing starts.
* TTY locking can be disabled by $_ttylocks=""
* IPX and Packet Driver code was seriously reworked.
* The reliability and performance of the serial ports emulation are much
* Terminal improvements:
  - UTF-8 terminals are supported if you use SLang 2 or a UTF-8
    patched SLang 1 library. The supplied SLang library subset is no
    longer necessary and no longer provided.
  - $_term_char_set no longer exists;
    $_external_char_set now defaults to the current locale.
  - Even on non UTF-8 terminals many line drawing characters can now
    be used, and on the Linux console almost the full CP437 character set.
  - Many ctrl, alt, shift combinations with function keys, arrow keys, etc,
    can now be used in xterm and friends.
  - VGA hardware is emulated in terminal mode as well as in X mode.
* Console improvements:
  - VESA driver added which should be compatible with most BIOSes. This
    is the default.
  - Linear frame buffers now work.
  - Improved behaviour in conjunction with framebuffer consoles.
* X improvements:
  - Added extra X fonts (thanks to Martin Reuber)
  - The X aspect ratio is no longer set to 4:3 by default, but an integer
    multiple of the real resolution.
  - Much improved keyboard layout autodetection
  - Fixed a grave bug which caused the keyboard not to work properly in
    some games.
  - A graphical mouse cursor now works under X with mouse grab enabled.
  - Added keyboard grab, hardcoded to Ctrl-Alt-k for now.
* Added experimental SDL plugin. Mostly functional; makes it possible to run
  DOSEMU on all supported SDL backends.

List of SourceForge tracker numbers with bugs that were closed:
# 687024 parse /proc/pci for video ports
# 811365 Vchess crashe under dosemu with mouse
# 818094 Mouse doesn't work in a Turbo Debugger
# 818145 certain keys doesn't work in xdosemu (i ,)
# 845119 (patch) 2.88 MB floppy support
# 855556 Problems running transport tycoon deluxe
# 855948 Problems with Screamer
# 990235 vgaemu crashes (regres)
# 991194 Int 21, AH=2F in protected mode doesnt work in all cases
# 999831 No upper case A or S 
#1004472 Problems with int 0x31, ah=01 functions
#1005015 Design error in DOSEMU's realmode callbacks?
#1007380 Compilation fails first time
#1012035 DOSEMU 1.3.1 : App hangs on COM Port access
#1019824 (patch) LFN support for DPMI host
#1019894 (patch) Fast port access
#1020635 bug in dosemu's LFN support
#1027805 Dos App hangs - PIC and DPMI related.
#1028236 About int 21, ax=0x4b00 in msdos.c
#1029819 serial port
#1033901 dosemu-CVS crashes DPMI
#1037915 Everything I type is double.
#1042020 serial port and cache register
#1067680 clipper take 99% of CPU
#1074310 Sound recording fails, playback is truncated
#1075068 dosemu 1.31. does not sense DCD
#1076593 (RFE) Windows support
#1079033 (RFE) mouse cursor in text mode with grab
#1080784 Compile Failure
#1081283 (SR) /proc access
#1089201 (patch) int15 block move support
#1103434 Serial communication fails with CVS version
#1110543 Custom keyboard layout
#1113468 Keyboard regression from v1.2 to latest CVS version
#1118031 (patch) fix target_cpu option
#1152829 dosemu should exit when the DOS process terminates
#1157059 (patch) command to automatically set sound env vars
#1164054 Saving fails in Settlers
#1178900 (SR) Joystick support!
#1189666 dbfcdx hangs on lredir drive

Version 1.3.1 (2004-07-11)
* Support for 32rtm extender was added. It is now possible to use the
  32bit Borland tools under dosemu.
* Support for the HX DOS Extender was added. It is now possible to run
  some win32 console apps under dosemu, using that extender.
* The Blinker extender is now fully supported (all known versions).
  But some older versions of that extender may require the 2.4.x linux
  kernel (linux-2.6.8 will include the necessary fix).
* Improved DPMI uncommitted memory support (started in 1.3.0).
* The hogtheshold code was reorganized to be able to pass through certain
  events quicker (such as loading a file in FreeDOS EDIT) even when you 
  have it set to "1".
* Fixed all new warnings with GCC 3.4.
* Fixed compilation problem with Fedora Core 2 headers.
* Added cp895 and bg-mik character set support.
* Many VGAEMU bugs were fixed, and bitmap fonts are much quicker.
* Allow "fast" i/o ports above 0x400 for kernels that support it
  (2.6.7-mm kernels only for now)
* Implemented VxD hooks for WinOS2: seems to solve all remaining problems with
  Win3.1(WinOS2): allows Alt-Tab and the timer.
* Many DPMI and DOS extender fixes.
* An automatic backtrace using GDB (output in ~/.dosemu/boot.log)
  is attempted when DOSEMU crashes.
* Serial code fixes.
* Corrected int15/ax=e801 for so $_xms > 64M is reported correctly by MEM.
* Fix NPTL issues when switching VC's on the console.
* Check /proc/net/ipx/route etc for kernel 2.6.x.
* LFN (long file name) fixes. Still needs more testing
* Fixed read/write problem for files with negative file offsets on
  lredir'ed drives.

List of SourceForge tracker numbers with bugs that were closed:
#885692 (Support) Serial port problem
#902742 bug in DOSEMU's DOS API translation
#909015 bugs/suggestions concerning DOSEMU's DPMI implementation
#909588 keystroke command kills dosemu
#911174 Problem with graphics under X
#929123 Microsoft LINK.EXE 5.31.009 causes segmentation fault
#930572 Only the half of the screen is displayed in xdosemu
#934921 pmode/w extended 32bit dos app causes DOSEMU to terminate
#944346 Serial port trouble
#951087 IPX and kernel 2.6.5
#958717 Only small part of the screen visible under X
#959015 dosemu xterm mouse & network traffic
#962683 graphical problems with win98/DOS
#982872 Regression with VGA emu
#984975 (Patches) Console & S3 graphic: No portserver